Did You Know?

  • 100%

    CCS has once again been honored with the prestigious N.C. Purple Star Award Designation, marking the fourth consecutive year the district has received this recognition. One hundred percent of the schools in the district earned the award, reaffirming CCS' unwavering support for military-connected students and their families.

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    CCS' Communications and Community Engagement Department has been honored with six prestigious Gold Blue Ribbon Awards from the North Carolina School Public Relations Association for outstanding and effective communications.

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  • 84.1%

    Student growth continues to be an area of strength for CCS with the district performing above the state average in growth metrics. 84.1% of CCS schools met or exceeded growth expectations, surpassing the statewide average of 72.5%. Student growth data indicates that a majority of CCS students are making more than a year's worth of academic progress within a single school year.

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  • CTE

    The latest release of the 2022-2023 CTE Credential Attainment Report showcases an impressive achievement, solidifying CCS' position as the second-highest earner of credentials in the state, totaling 16,012. This accomplishment underscores the tangible benefits of CTE in preparing students for success in the workforce and higher education.

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  • STEM

    For the third consecutive year, the STARward STEM Expo was the culminating event of the STARward STEM Design Challenge that showcased student presentations of project-based learning work, demonstrations by STEM industry experts. Over 160 teams have competed over three years, representing more than 1,000 students.

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