
Westover Athletic Ticket Link
Please visit the site below to purchase tickets for athletic events.
Athletic Tickets

Join us as we honor the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout history

CCS celebrates the incredible opportunities CTE programs provide to prepare students for success in college, careers and life. Explore our CTE website!

It’s Love the Bus Week! Let's show our appreciation for our amazing bus drivers who keep our students safe every day. Learn how to be a bus driver today!
WOHS Homepage Welcome
Hello Westover High School Parents:
The administration and staff at Westover High School are excited that we can provide you with access to current grades and attendance via the Internet. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal will be available soon. Stay tuned as more information about log-in credentials will be shared soon!
Phone: 910-864-0190
Fax: 910-864-5924
Bell Times: 8:30 a.m. – 3:40 p.m