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NEWS RELEASE: Cumberland County Schools to Gather Community Input Regarding Proposed Preliminary Student Reassignment Target Areas

District leaders have developed preliminary student reassignment options as the Cumberland County Board of Education moves forward with the process of considering the closing of T.C. Berrien Elementary School. In developing options, which would impact schools in the T.C. Berrien area and potentially other schools in the district, multiple factors were considered, such as campus proximity, facility utilization and diversity.


District leaders shared the proposed preliminary student reassignment target areas with members of the Cumberland County Board of Education during the Jan. 4 Auxiliary Services Committee meeting and will gather input from families and community stakeholders prior to seeking Board approval.


The district has scheduled the following public forum sessions this month to gather input from the public.





Those who attend the forums will be required to follow the 3Ws of COVID-19 protocol—Wait 6 feet. Wash your hands. Wear a mask.


For additional information and to share feedback prior to the upcoming forums, the public is invited to visit the CCS Student Reassignment website at