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CCS ‘Lights Up’ Chinese New Year with Spectacular Celebration

February 29, 2024

Cumberland County Schools (CCS) recently held its Chinese New Year Celebration at Seventy-First High School, marking the 11th year since its inaugural event. This year's celebration revolved around the theme "One World, One Family.”

The school came alive with 10 cultural centers hosted by dedicated CCS World Language teachers and students. These centers offered incredible experiences that included interactive games, arts and crafts, traditional dancing, and authentic cooking that provided a glimpse into some of global traditions.

Attendees also had the opportunity to witness a performance by students and teachers from 10 schools filled with traditional singing, dancing and playing musical instruments from various countries.

“This celebration aimed to foster respect and open-mindedness for other cultures as well as bring a global perspective to everyone in the community,” said CCS’ K-12 World Language Curriculum Specialist Jinghong Qi. “This annual festivity served as a captivating extension of classroom education, showcasing one of many cultures within the district.”

Chinese New Year CelebrationChinese New Year CelebrationChinese New Year Celebration