Department Q & A
How does the student access the counselor?
Posted by:- Appointment made by the counselor
- Self-referral
- Parent referral
- Administrative referral
- Teacher or other staff referral
- Referral by a friend
- Walk-in
Where can counseling take place?
Posted by:- In the counselor's office
- In the classroom
- In the hallway
- On the school grounds
- In the lunchroom
- Outside the school
With whom does a school counselor consult?
Posted by:- Students
- Parents
- Teachers
- Administrators
- Social Workers
- Public personnel representatives
- Community resource personnel
- Physicians, nursed, psychologists and mental health professionals
What does a counselor do?
Posted by:- Talks with student individuals and in groups
- Gains understanding of student through observation in the classroom
- Works with potentially "at-risk" students
- Helps student relate to others
- Promotes positive attitudes and values among students
- Actively listens to concerns of parents, teachers and peers in helping students
- Responds to identified concerns
- Provides follow-up prevention, remediation and crisis intervention services
- Helps people to make better use of community resources
- Uses test data to provide information about abilities, achievement, interests and needs
- Assists students in comping with psycho-social developmental issues
- Coordinates efforts with other school specialists
Who is the school counselor?
Posted by:- A Master's level certified, specially trained professional
- A caring person who helps all students
- A coordinator of information
- A Consultant
- A group leader
- An advocate for students