SFHS Homepage Welcome

  • SF imageWe welcome all students, parents and guardians to one of Cumberland County’s prominent high schools, Seventy-First, "Home of the Falcons."  We have a staff of professionals who work collaboratively to provide a positive and productive learning environment. They set high expectations for all students and provide vigorous lessons to help them reach their highest potential.

    Our students are ambitious, enthusiastic and motivated. Through the academic approach, vocational, athletics, and arts opportunities, we challenge them to become winners. Success at our school requires the joint efforts of our students, parents, guardians, staff, and the community. Therefore, we need a collective partnership working together as a team, to accomplish our goal of achieving excellence in our curricular and co-curricular areas. Together, we will prevail. Join us. 

    Committed to preparing our students to conquer the future... unquestionably, Seventy-First.

    Phone: 910-867-3116
    Fax: 910-867-1445

    Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
    School Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.

SFHS Homepage News

  •  Text image of college application week.

    CFNC Free College Application Week: October 21-27

    CFNC has virtual sessions for students and their families covering everything from a career fair, preparing for College Application Week (CAW), how to pay for college and more from October 21-27,2024.  However, Free Application Week for admission to ECU will be September 23-27, 2024.

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    September is Attendance Awareness Month!

    Happy September! We're excited to kick off this month as Attendance Awareness Month, with our year-long theme: 'Every Minute Counts.'Every minute your child spends in school is a step toward their bright future.

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  •  text image of know the code.

    New Student Code of Conduct 

    CCS has introduced a new Student Code of Conduct title "A Blueprint for Student Character, Wellness and Support," for the 2024-2025 school year. This guide is designed to help our students succeed by providing clear behavioral expectations and valuable resources for support.

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