TSHS Homepage Welcome

  • Terry Sanford Logo "Greetings Bulldog Family! Fayetteville Terry Sanford High School has a storied and rich history that has left a lasting legacy for all to embrace.  We are still committed to providing learning opportunities that enable all students to collaborate, compete, and succeed globally.  Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to working with you and your students to help them be successful here at FTS!"


    Phone: 910-484-1151
    Fax: 910-484-7203
    Bell Times: 8:30 a.m. – 3:40 p.m

TSHS Homepage News

  • FTS Coming Events

    Check out FTS general announcements, club activities, as well as athletics. Don't miss out on anything mark the dates on your calendar.

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    The PSAT/NMSQT is a great primer for the SAT and even the ACT, but it's more than just a trial run. The PSAT will be given at FTS on October 23, 2024.

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  • Parents Canvas Access

    Parents can create an account and sign up as an observer in Canvas. This guide is for parents who would like access to Canvas to observe their students’ progress in their courses.

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TSHS Upcoming Events

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