Lead and Asbestos Notification Letter
Dear Parents, Caregivers, Students, Teachers and Staff,
Cumberland County Schools is taking steps to identify and eliminate potential lead and asbestos hazards, if found by enrolling all schools and participating in the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program. This effort will fulfill North Carolina requirements related to lead and asbestos and is free thanks to American Rescue Plan Act funding and NC Session Law 2021-180.
Lead is a metal that is often found in pipes, faucets, plumbing fixtures, and paint. Asbestos is a mineral fiber that has been used in a variety of building construction materials. Exposure to lead and asbestos can lead to negative health effects. Children and staff can be exposed to lead by drinking lead-containing water or by inhaling and ingesting lead-containing materials, such as dust, paint, or soil. Children and staff can be exposed to asbestos by inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers released from damaged asbestos-containing materials. There is no safe level of lead or asbestos exposure, which is why we are working to proactively identify and prevent exposure to lead or asbestos in our facility.
As part of this program, schools and child care facilities may undergo:
1. water testing for lead in water
2. assessment for lead-based paint
3. inspection/reinspection for asbestos
If lead or asbestos are identified during this process, we will take steps to prevent any exposure to children and staff. Protecting the health and well-being of our children and staff is our top priority at Cumberland County Schools and we are committed to keeping you informed as we implement this program.
For more information on the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids program, please visit the Clean Classrooms for Carolina Kids website: https://www.cleanwaterforuskids.org/en/carolina/.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at dfields@ccs.k12.nc.us.