Mentor or Volunteer
Teachers always need a little extra help and so do our children. Volunteering can be a range of things from reading to a child or helping the sort in the library. Children love the one on one attention they receive from a mentor or volunteer too.
- Volunteers are a big part of the NCIES community. They help the teachers, students and staff with important tasks and make everyone’s day a little easier. Volunteers must be registered with the county and be approved. At this time, NCIES can not have any volunteers.
Lunch Buddies
Lunch Buddies:
Looking for mentors to serve as lunch buddies for at-risk students. We need positive adult role models who are willing to spend a 20 minute lunch period talking and making a connection with a child to encourage good school habits and positive behavior. This could be a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. This program is currently on hold.Contact: TBD
E-mail: TBD
Phone: 910.487.2340 ext. 122
Address: 7465 Century Circle, Fayetteville, NC 28306