NCIMS offers many opportunities for all students to participate in various clubs.
We currently offer the following clubs for students:*
Battle of the Books Sponsors: Ms. Hurley & Ms. Grimes
Battle of the Books is open to all middle school students and requires that students read select books for comprehension, memorize titles and authors, and be able to discuss the books they’ve read with others in the club. Each student participating in Battle of the Books will read an “expert set” of 4-6 books from the NCSLMA list of 22 titles and become familiar with the characters, plot, setting, and details of their “expert set” before going to our county-wide competition. Winners advance to regional and state competitions.
Forensics Sponsor: Mr. Frazier
Forensics involves public speaking competitions. Students compete in interpretive (Humorous, Duo, Dramatic, or Storytelling), public speaking (Original Oratory), or debate (Public Forum or Extemporaneous Speaking) categories. Except for Extemporaneous Speaking, students will prepare their pieces/arguments to perform at competitions in advance. All interpretive and public speaking pieces must be memorized. Students will need to rehearse their pieces at home daily and be prepared to present it in front of the coaches and team members during practice for constructive feedback. There are four regular tournaments held throughout the school year. There are also regional and state competitions for those who qualify.
Science Club Sponsor: Mr. Alberto
Student Government Association (by election) Sponsor: Mrs. Jarrett
Do you want to serve as a leader in our school? Do you have what it takes to help your classmates effectively express concerns to teachers and school administration? Would you like to make New Century International Middle School even better than it already is? Come and join the Student Government Association! Run for leadership positions and gain valuable knowledge and skills about how these amazing organizations are run. Meetings are held two to four times per month during the school year. NCIMS is currently a member of the NC Association of Student Councils.
Yearbook Sponsor: Mrs. Hogan (Ms. Barnes)
*Other clubs may be added throughout the school year.