Battle of the Books
Students read a selected group and develop questions based on the countywide competition that is held in March.
Beta Club
Students are inducted into the club based on outstanding academic achievement and citizenship.Art Club
Yearbook/Photography Club
Eagle News Network
Homework Club
Gardening Club
Students choose Original Oratory, Humorous Interpretation, or Extemporaneous Speaking to compete at tournaments during the school year. Countywide tournaments are held in March.
Jeralds G.E.M.S.
Female students work as a team to improve school and community relations.
Media Assistants
Various students are selected to assist students and staff with media needs, which constitutes an elective course.
Pep Squad
Students must try to become members of this group, which leads fans with chants that encourage and motivate teams during the athletic seasons.
Science Olympiad
Students compete in tournaments and science-related events.
Spelling Bee
Students will study a list of words and conduct mock practices in preparation for competing in a district spelling bee competition.
Student Council
Students are elected to represent their peers on school issues and policies. Elections are held in September.
Woodman of World Civic Oration Contest
Students can develop, practice, and competitively demonstrate oratorical skills.
Young Men of Distinction
Male students work as a team to improve school and community relations.