Montclair Clubs and Activities
Battle of the Books
The purpose of the Elementary Battle of the Books program is to encourage reading. Students in 4th and 5th grade, regardless of ability, are exposed to 15 pieces of quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints by prominent authors in the area of young adult literature. The game format creates interest and excitement in reading. Through the fun and excitement of the competition, students improve reading skills, mature in their choices of reading materials, and acquire a broader knowledge base. Even during the height of the competition, students and coaches should remember that the goal is to READ, not necessarily to win!
G.L.A.D. (Greatness, Leadership, Academic Achievement, Distinction)
Who: 3-5 grade students that were either referred by their teachers or that submitted a letter of interest by Dec15, 2017.When: We meet every Wed. right after school until 4:30 pm. G.L.A.D. students gather in front of the media center and then transition to the cafeteria at 3:10 pm.Light Snacks are provided by CCS - Nutrition Services (Thanks to our Cafeteria Manager)
Homework assistance, tutoring, adult and peer mentoring, leadership development activities, etiquette training and incentives are available to active participants
We believe every student has the potential for greatness and can learn. That given the right resources, support, opportunities and encouragement that every student will accomplish lasting greatness in school, at home, and in their community.
Everyone is a leader...they just don't know it yet. Every activity, every discussion or game is geared at teaching students to identify traits of a good leader, to embody those traits and to act responsibly,
It's our job to do well in school; what we do and how we perform now will affect our future. Students are encouraged to be diligent, hardworking students that understand the importance of good grades and that strive to be better. Tutoring and homework assistance is made available and grades/progress is monitored to help avoid academic issues.
Our students stand out already...we aim to help them learn the skills needed to stand out for the positive and never the negative. Based on the 5 tenants of P.R.I.D.E. (Positive attitude, respect, and responsibility, Independence, Doing the right thing and exceed expectations) each activity and workshop will address deficits in these areas as a group and individually until as a unit G.L.A.D. students will be HIGHLY DISTINGUISHED above many at MCES and in Fayetteville, NC.Participant's developed the following statement of Affirmation:
Ladies and Gentlemen of MCES
“Raising the Standard of Success!”
I AM G.L.A.D!I am full of GREATNESS, a person of LEADERSHIP that demonstrates ACADEMIC ACHEIVEMENTand I am highly DISTINGUISHED among many at Montclair Elementary School and in the city of Fayetteville, N.C.
Student Council
Student Council is a group of student leaders selected by their peers to represent Montclair's student body. Student Council assists with recycling once a month, awards assemblies, fundraisers, and Beginners' Day. Student Council plays an integral part in providing a voice for the students' needs and wants. Students selected must display leadership, responsibility, citizenship, and academic integrity throughout the school year.
Students in the 5th grade are offered the opportunity to choose between violin, viola or cello to begin learning in Orchestra class. This class meets two days a week during the school day. Students are responsible for providing (renting) their own instrument and bringing it to school the day the class meets. They are also responsible for any work that may be missed while they are out of the traditional classroom. This group performs at our Winter Program, with the NC Symphony, for the Spring String Thing, and at the end-of-the-year PTA meeting. Information on when class begins and how to obtain an instrument is given to the students sometime after the first few weeks of school.