• Parents and Community




    Wall mounted school bell, gray, 7:09 45sec with school bell Students can arrive at the ringing of the 7:15 a.m. bell. All students arriving prior to 7:15 a.m. should wait in the lobby area with an adult. There are no staff members available to watch children prior to 7:15 a.m.

    Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:15 a.m. – 7:40 a.m. each school day.  No breakfast is served on delayed days.

    Your student's lunch schedule is provided by the teacher.  Lunch is served on all days school is in session, to include early release days.

    Morning Bell                              7:15 a.m.

    Warning Bell                              7:40 a.m.

    Tardy Bell                                   7:45 a.m.

    Dismissal Bell for Busses, Prime Time and Daycare          2:20 p.m.

    Dismissal Bell for Walkers and Parent Pick Up                  2:25 p.m.

Breakfast/Lunch Prices


    little girl smiling, wearing plaid jacket holding her lunch tray

    Breakfast for Students - No Cost

    Breakfast for Adults - Ala Carte


    Lunch for Students - No Cost

    Lunch for Adults - Ala Carte

Traffic Patterns/Flow and Parking


    Yellow with black border diamond sign, school crossing In order to provide a safe and orderly environment, traffic patterns for parents and visitors are as follows:
    Facing the school:

    * Faculty parking is on the right as you enter.
    * Buses will load and unload in the right parking lot, facing the school.
    * Daycare will flow through from the right to the left, in front of the school.
    * Parent pick-up is on the left side as you are facing the school.

    Please be mindful of others while in the drop-off/pick-up lines and leave ample space at the crosswalks.  Be alert to staff members that are directing traffic to help maintain a smooth flow of traffic.

    * Visitor parking/registration is in the front of the school, or on the left side of the building.  You may not park in the visitor parking, located in the front of the school, for dropping off your child or picking your child up, unless you possess a handicap sign, your child is tardy or you are checking your child out of school early.

Check In and Check Out Procedures


    blue box and white lettering, Policies and Procedures All students must be checked-in through the Front Office by the adult bringing them to school after the 7:45 a.m. bell.  These students will be given a late pass in order to be admitted tardy to class.  Any student arriving after 11:30 a.m. will be marked as absent for the school day.


    All students leaving prior to the dismissal bell must be checked out through the office by an authorized person picking them up.  This person must be listed on the student's check in/out card.  Due to transitioning at the end of the day, NO students will be permitted to be checked out prior to 2:00 p.m.  Any student checked out prior to 11:30 a.m. will be marked as absent for the school day.


    Under no circumstances will a student be released from class without following the above check-out procedures. The school will not be involved in domestic custody disputes without legal documentation on file.


    Pretty girl smiling with blackboard in background holding report card


Homework and Parent Links


    Home Base logo, orange, green and blue logo Research has repeatedly shown that one of the quickest and best ways to increase students' achievement is to reinforce skills through homework.  Students at this age (grades K-5) continually need the support of their parents in ensuring that homework is completed to promote success.  Our homework policy is designed to reinforce skills not to serve as busywork.  Appropriate amounts and time spent on homework should be as follows:

    Grades K-2 – approximately 20-30 minutes

    Grades 3-5 – not more than 1 hour

    Please be aware that outside research and projects may take longer.  If you have any questions or concerns about your child's homework, please direct them to the teacher.

    Home Base Parent/Student Portal




    School nurse wearing pink administering a inhaler to a child, brown with curly hair Medicine will not be administered to a child unless prescribed by a doctor.  All medicine must be in the original container with the prescription label.  If medication is to be given more than 5 consecutive days, a "Request to Administer Medicine" must be signed by the doctor and kept on file in the office.  If you feel this may apply to your situation, please stop by the office to get the necessary forms before going to the doctor in order to help prevent multiple trips to the physician.  This should be taken into consideration when you have a child on a medication on a regular basis.

Prime Time After School


    red, yellow & blue logo of Cumberland County Schools with Prime Time in red After school care is provided on-site by the Cumberland County Schools Prime Time Program. This program provides students with enriching activities to enhance the learning process. Prime Time is not currently offered at Ben Martin Elementary. 

    For more information visit: Cumberland County School’s Prime Time

    Prime Time main office 910-678-2451

Community Volunteer Services


    red, yellow and blue words, Cumberland County Schools, red letter, Our Commitment: Every Student Our staff is always looking for ways to involve our parents and the school community in as many activities displayed throughout our school each year.  These activities include: Grandparent’s Senior Prom, Math Night, Science Night, Accelerated Reader Night, Fire Prevention Week, Red Ribbon Week, and Field Day are only a few opportunities in which our parents can become more involved.

    To be a Cumberland County Approved volunteer at our school you must complete a volunteer application through Cumberland County Schools.  Visit the link below to learn more about the Mentor and Volunteer Programs offered through our school system.

    CCS Community Engagement Opportunities

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

PBIS - Positive Behaviour Intervention and Support


    PBIS in blue on Green circles, Positive Behaviour At Ben Martin, we have implemented the Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS) program as a process for creating a safer and more effective learning environment within our school.  This program is a systematic approach to enhancing the capacity of our school to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems.  The process focuses on improving Ben Martin’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students.  This approach will help us create a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.

Partners In Education

  • At Ben Martin, we believe that all students can learn and commit ourselves to ensure that they do learn. We believe that home-school-community partnerships foster not just participation and involvement, but consensus and collaboration. We are fortunate to have several community partners that are truly committed to assisting with the educational process in order to enhance learning for our boys and girls. From volunteering in the classroom, tutoring, providing incentives, to assisting with our PTA and special events, our partners truly make a difference at Benjamin J. Martin Elementary.

    Partners that joined us for  this school year include:

         Food Lion on Reilly Road        Two Brother's Pizza on Reilly Road    


    We salute our partners and appreciate all they do to ensure SUCCESS!