Student Resources

Student Success

Image of students in  silhouettes celebrating  graduation

Student Life


    Seventy-First High is committed to fostering a welcoming and hospitable environment for students that honors cultural differences and is built upon a foundation of mutual respect. 
    Students are encouraged to take part in various types of organizations and activities that would enable them to gain a memorable high school experience. The school offers a wide range of clubs and organizations, activities, leadership development, sports, community service, and arts opportunities to augment their high school career. If they don’t find any school activity that suits their needs,  there are volunteer works "in or out" of school they can participate in. Moreover, students are encouraged to be involved and engaged to have a successful student life while at Seventy-First.



Student News

  • Congratulations to Seventy-First High Schools scholars, Mikiah Monk, Ayana Vontress, and Giana Vance, SkillsUSA 2024 State Champions, in the Outstanding Chapter Competition. Mikiah, Ayana and Giana will be representing the State of North Carolina in the Outstanding Chapter competition in the National Championship is Atlanta, Georgia in June 2024. 

    Photo image at the state conferenceskills usa students winners

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