Ensuring Educational Stability For Children In Foster Care

  • Joint guidance from the U. S. Departments of Education and health and Human Services about the implementation of the foster care provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was released on June 23, 2016.  This link, http://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/essa/index.html will guide you to a 28-page guidance document as well as to two Dear Colleague Letters.

    The document delivers a strong message that the unique needs of children in foster care must be addressed.  Because these provisions went into effect December 10, 2016, state and local child welfare and education agencies must immediately begin conversations about their shared responsibility to support the school stability and success of students in foster care.

    The foster care provisions of ESSA, coupled with the school stability provisions of the Fostering Connections Act, envision shared responsibility for school stability and success between child welfare and education agencies.  This joint guidance offers details about the requirements under the new law provides examples from around the country about "what's working" to support students in foster care and will be a critical resource in implementation efforts.



    Pamela Story, MSW

    Primary Point of Contact (POC)

    (910) 678-2621


    Rachel Keels

    Cumberland County Department of Social Services

    (910) 677-2452