Career and Technical Education

CTE Learning That Works

Our Vision

  • Every student will have equitable access to engaging learning that prepares them to be competitive, collaborative, and successful in our global world. CCS Career and Technical Education empowers all students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.

Strategic Goals

    • 74% of CTE participants will meet proficiency using the state assessment measure in the reporting year.
    • Reinforce English II, Math I, and Biology I standards through CTE instruction to increase ELA, science, and mathematics outcomes in our academic attainment measures.
    • Increase the number of CTE Concentrators graduating with a silver level or higher Career Readiness Certificate and other industry-recognized credentials. Twenty-six percent (26%) of CTE Concentrators graduating from high school will attain a recognized postsecondary credential.
    • Allow equitable opportunities for CTE students to have engaging, personalized learning experiences through work-based learning (WBL) activities and Career and Technical Student Organizations.
    • Provide innovative professional development and individual support for CTE teachers that are aligned to curriculum standards, instructional best practices, and technological integration.

Contact Us

  • Career and Technical Education
    2465 Gillespie Street
    Fayetteville, NC  28306
    Phone:  (910) 678-2442

    Chip Lucas
    Executive Director

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