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Our mission as Cumberland County School Counselors is to help students demonstrate a positive attitude towards themselves and others, gain career and life-planning skills and develop responsible social skills. The development of these skills will increase school and life success.
School counselors help students:
- to develop self-awareness, self-confidence and self-esteem
- to recognize and make the best use of their capabilities
- to feel worthwhile
- to give students an opportunity to talk about their educational, personal and social concerns
- to better adjust to their school and home environments
- to develop an awareness of the world of work
- in the decision-making process
Contact Us
2465 Gillespie Street
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phone: 910-678-2402
Fax: 910-678-2617Kristy Newitt
Counselors Coordinator
Department Q & A
How does the student access the counselor?
Posted by:- Appointment made by the counselor
- Self-referral
- Parent referral
- Administrative referral
- Teacher or other staff referral
- Referral by a friend
- Walk-in
Where can counseling take place?
Posted by:- In the counselor's office
- In the classroom
- In the hallway
- On the school grounds
- In the lunchroom
- Outside the school